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Members also have access to the AAHB Discussion Forum in the Members Only section.

Posting Open Positions - Interested in posting your job openings?

Postings will be distributed on;

  • AAHB members-only job board (60 days)
  • AAHB listserv (single post)
  • Twitter (single post)
  • Facebook (single post)

Fees for job postings

AAHB Members can post job openings for free. 

The fee for non-AAHB members is $150/job listing.

Contact:  Joanne Sommers

Media Use Policies

AAHB social media platforms provide an efficient and open means for sharing knowledge, information, and perspectives of AAHB members. There is no charge for subscribing to AAHB social media platforms. Please note, social media platforms have various user agreements and those should be reviewed individually prior to subscribing. Social media platforms are managed by the AAHB Marketing and Communications Council.

Purpose of AAHB Social Media Platforms

The following uses are appropriate for AAHB social media

  • Sharing information about health behavior research, including funding opportunities, study participation opportunities, funded research, and research-related outputs (e.g., media stories, videos, publications).
  • Providing notices of meetings and conferences of interest.
  • Listing job openings in the field.
  • Carrying out brief surveys of facts, trends, opinions, perspectives as directed by the Board.
  • Sharing updates or relevant news about health behavior research, in general.

More on appropriate use

  • The primary purpose of the AAHB social media platforms is information-sharing among the membership of AAHB.
  • AAHB social media platforms should not be used for messages intended for an individual recipient.
  • AAHB social media platforms should not be used for messages intended for personal gain.
  • It is not appropriate to carry on judgmental discussions about individual programs or members.
  • Advertising, solicitation of funds, campaigning, proselytizing, and use of profanity is not permitted.
  • Do not attack others. "Personal reflections" upon other members, no matter how serious their differences, is prohibited.
  • Common courtesy and respect, which excludes personal attacks or criticism, must be observed.
  • Do not post commercial messages. Contact people directly with product and service information if you believe it would help them.
  • Use caution when discussing products. Information posted on the lists is available for all to see, and comments are subject to libel, slander, and antitrust laws.
  • All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything on social media platforms that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.
  • Please note carefully all items listed in the disclaimer and legal rules below, particularly regarding the copyright ownership of information posted on social media platforms.

Operational eqtiquette and effective use

  • You may write a comment to a social media message if the option is available.
  • Please use a profile that is identifiable, regarding your membership in the Academy (i.e., actual name versus a pseudonym).
  • Be clear and succinct for best results.

Violations of policies

It may at times be necessary for the AAHB Executive Board to suspend someone's access to AAHB social media platforms due to violation of any aspect of this policy. A first-time violation will require a warning to the offender to cease and desist immediately. A second offense will result in a 12 month ban from AAHB social media platforms. A third offense will result in permanent ban from AAHB social media platforms.

Procedure for violations

Inappropriate posts and/or comments are subject to removal at any time from the AAHB social media platforms and inappropriate use of the AAHB listserv may result in a temporary account suspension. Alleged violations are forwarded by any Academy member to the Marketing and Communications Countil Chair. The M&C Council chair convenes the council to complete a thorough investigation of the alleged violation and forwards the committee’s findings and recommendation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board deliberates and renders a final decision

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