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Membership Benefits

  • Affiliation with successful health behavior researchers
  • Significantly reduced annual meeting registration fee
  • Access to AAHB Listserv and job board
  • Reduced fees for CHES /MHCES credits at the annual meeting
  • Unique professional development and mentoring opportunities at the annual meeting and throughout the year
  • Career-enhancing leadership opportunities
  • Networking in small group settings
AAHB has been a most hospitable organization (and Annual Meeting) for grappling with the intersection of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence

Lawrence W. Green, DrPH., DrSc(Hon)
AAHB Fellow, 2001 Research Laureate,
2013 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Membership Dues - Renewal Dec. 1

  • 1 year: $255
  • 3 years: $703*
  • 5 years: $1088*
  • Student members, 1 year: $75

*To request multiple year membership renewal, contact David Seal.

No refunds on membership payments.

New Member Application

Membership in the Academy requires an application. Please read carefully the qualifications for each category prior to proceeding to the application page, as specific information is needed to complete the application.

Membership applications are reviewed by the AAHB Membership Development Committee. Applicants will be informed of membership decision within 14 days of application. Once approved, applicants have 60 days to activate their membership by paying membership dues. If dues are not paid within 60 days, applicant will be required to reapply for membership.

Membership Qualifications

There are four categories of membership, each with different qualifications.

Full Member*

Open to persons who: (i) provide evidence of scientific training beyond the undergraduate level and (ii) have at least ten (10) refereed, data-based papers (quantitative or qualitative) published in national or international journals that regularly report the findings of original health behavior, health education, or health promotion research

If you are currently an Affiliate Member or Student Member and are ready to advance to Full Member, please forward full citations of your 10 papers to Dr. Mary Steinhardt, Chair of the AAHB Membership Development Council and cc: David Seal.

Affiliate Member*

Open to persons who have at least two (2) refereed, data-based papers (quantitative or qualitative) published in national or international journals that regularly report findings of original health behavior, health education, or health promotion research

*Note for Full and Affiliate applicants

Manuscripts can include publications that are online ahead of print, such that the article has been accepted for publication and is available online, accessible in PubMed, or indexed with a DOI, etc. Applicants should screen their citation list to ensure that predatory journals (defined by Yale,) are not present. Please review the steps to ensure credibility of journals.

Student Member

Student membership is open to graduate students interested in health behavior research who wish to become involved in the Academy. Student members receive reduced annual membership dues and reduced annual meeting registration fees. Student members cannot hold office in the Academy. Student membership is limited to a maximum of 7 years.

Student members are required to submit a letter from their current Department verifying their student status as a part of the application process. The letter should include the name of the school, department, degree program, date of enrollment, expected date of graduation, and be signed by the Department Chair or other Faculty Member in the Department.

Send required letter to:  Dr. Mary Steinhardt and cc: David Seal.

Emeritus Member

Emeritus status is intended for individuals who are retiring from full time employment but wish to remain actively involved in the Academy. Emeritus status requires (i) a minimum of 10 years of continuous membership as a Full member and (ii) certification of "retired" status. Emeriti receive a reduced annual membership dues ($150) and annual meeting registration at 50% regular cost. Emeriti Fellows may retain Fellow designation as long as membership is current. Emeriti cannot hold office in the Academy.

To gain Emeritus Status please write to David Seal.

NEW OPPORTUNITY!  Lifetime Member

Lifetime memberships are intended for individuals who wish to remain actively involved for a lifetime in the Academy. These memberships also contribute to the continued financial success of the Academy. Lifetime Membership status requirements are (i) minimum of 65 years of age and (ii) a minimum of 10 years of continuous membership as a Full member. For the one-time tax-deductible membership/donation fee, lifetime members retain voting status, will no longer be solicited for future membership dues, and receive annual meeting registration at 50% regular cost. Lifetime Membership Fellows may retain Fellow designation; however, cannot hold office in the Academy. 

  • Option 1 – 65-70 years of age: $3,000
  • Option 2 – 71 years or older: $2,000

To gain Lifetime Member Status please write to David Seal.

Advance to next membership level

If you are an existing AAHB member and want to advance to the next level of membership (e.g., student to affiliate, affiliate to full), email a request for advancement to David Seal and Dr. Mary Steinhardt. Specify the desired membership category and a listing of the required number of papers for that membership category.


AAHB Fellow

Find out how to be an AAHB Fellow.

Membership Recruitment Incentive

Current AAHB members who refer a new Affiliate or Full member, as well as the new member, will receive a $25 membership dues discount. Mention the referrer's name on the new member's application.

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